Monday, May 11, 2009

Best Bread Baking Resources

Here is a list of my favorite bread baking resources:
  • The Bread Baker's Apprentice, by Peter Reinhart: This is one of the best bread books I've ever come across. It gives a very detailed description of all aspects of bread baking and gives well written recipes for a wide variety of breads. Highly recommended. Available in my Amazon aStore or at your local book retailer.
  • King Arthur Flour's Bread Troubleshooting Website: a great list of possible bread making problems and their possible solutions. A must if you are trying to figure out what is going wrong. I have also used the list to help me decide what to do to modify a recipe to make it more a certain way. Check out some of their pages linked to this one for additional helpful information.
  • Baking and Baking Science is a web site put together by a retired professional baker. I like this site because it gives an in depth treatment of all aspects of bread baking including what each ingredient does in the bread. It's not a fancy site, but it does have good information.
  • Kansas Wheat Baking Terms & Techniques This pdf file from Kansas Wheat Commission - Kansas Association of Wheat Growers is a very useful reference of baking terms, including bread baking terms. It is very complete and a handy reference if you are reading another reference using terms with which you are not familiar.
  • Baking Science: Bread - Here is another good reference from the Kansas Wheat folks; it is also in pdf format. In particular, I find pages 3-8 useful. It provides a very clear description of what each ingredient does in bread and gives guidelines on how to manipulate them in making bread.

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