Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Steak Sandwich

I had some sirloin steak thawed out for dinner tonight; I had plans of a nice, rare steak, or maybe a stir fry. I even contemplated stroganoff. But my husband had other plans. It must be a guy thing, this fascination with sandwiches. Even though we had grilled chicken sandwiches last night, he was all about having sandwiches again. I was in the mood to create something special, though, and this sandwich was the result.

Steak Sandwich
Yield: 2 sandwiches

4 slices toasted bread
1 medium sweet onion, sliced & caramelized
8 oz sirloin steak, sliced very thinly across the grain
1 tsp minced garlic
2 tsp butter or olive oil
salt & pepper
1 oz gruyere cheese, sliced or grated
basil mayonnaise (recipe below)

Slice the onion and caramelize as decribed in my post for French Onion Soup. Meanwhile, prepare the mayonnaise and slice the steak and cheese. When the onions are done, remove them from the pan and set them aside. In the same pan, melt the butter and, over medium-high heat, brown the steak strips with the garlic and salt & pepper until the steak is nicely browned on the outsided. It does not need to be completely cooked through. Spread the mayonnaise on two of the bread slices. Top each with half of the caramelized onions. Divide the steak between the two sandwiches and top immediately with the cheese. If the cheese does not seem to be melting, the sandwiches can be placed under the broiler without their tops on until it does melt. Place the top piece of toast on each sandwich and cut in half. Serve immediately.

Basil Mayonnaise

2 TBS mayonnaise
1/4 tsp salt
1 small garlic clove
1/8 tsp pepper
2 TBS fresh basil, minced
1/8 tsp paprika
sprinkle red pepper flakes

Mince garlic and then pour salt over on your cutting board. Using the flat of your knife, smear the salt and garlic together to form a paste. Put into a bowl with the mayonnaise and remaining ingredients. Stir to mix.


  1. That looks REALLY good, thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks for sharing looks and sounds great,
    I will try this.

  3. I hope you like it! We sure did. I'd love to know how it turns out for you...
