Having grown up in the Pacific Northwest, salmon is an important part of my food psyche. Most of the year I have to be satisfied with farm-raised Atlantic salmon, but when I come back home to visit, I like to treat myself to the real McCoy. Look at the color of this guy! So dark, deep orangy-red. Farm raised salmon has to be fed a colorant to end up with dark flesh like that. Those poor farm-raised guys just don't get to eat the krill and similar critters that produce that lovely color.
My favorite preparation for salmon is to smoke it on a grill. This is as close to the traditional Pacific Northwest style of smoked salmon you can get at home. I love it so much this way that I had to teach the caterer how to make it so she could serve it at my wedding. This is a very quick, easy, and delicious way to enjoy salmon.
The first step is to brine the salmon filets. Fill a large bowl or pot with cool water and mix in salt. A ratio of about 5 cups water to 1/3-1/2 cup salt is what you should shoot for. Mix the water until the salt is mostly dissolved. Add the salmon filets and let soak for about 45 minutes. Brining helps to ensure that you end up with a nice, moist end result.
At the same time, begin soaking a handful of alder wood chips in water. Wood chips for smoking are usually available in the same place you find briquettes. While you can use other wood types, I very much prefer the flavor of alder wood. It is important to soak the wood chips so that they end up smoking instead of outright burning.

The salmon does not take very long to cook, usually between 15-25 minutes depending on the size and thickness. Start checking early to be sure that you do not overcook it. There are a couple of ways to test for doneness. The first test is the squish test. Use a fork and poke the thickest part of the filet. If it is fairly firm to the touch it is done. If it is not done, it will still be squishy. Another method is to prick it. If the juices run clear instead of opaque, it is done. The last, and most invasive, way is to pull the flakes apart in the thickest area and check to see if the flesh is opaque. I usually use a combination of all of these tests to determine when to pull it off of the grill.

This dish is wonderful served right away, but it is also fabulous served cold. Therefore, when I prepare this dish, I always try to make more than I need so that I can have left overs!If you want a couple other great ideas of what to do with leftover smoked salmon, try my smoked salmon ravioli or smoked salmon on cucumber appetizers.
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